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Our Policy

1. Allergies of all guest should be brought to the attention of the staff before services are rendered. 

2. We are unable to accommodate allergies and guardians are responsible for providing alternatives.

3. Please remove all polish from nails before arriving.

4. Hands and feet should be clean and free from debris and dirt before services are performed.

5. All services are for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES only!

6. Staff are not professionally trained, certified, or licensed cosmetologist.

7. At least 1 parent/guardian must be available at all times to monitor guest in your party.

8. All staff reserve the right to cancel services with no refund for disrespect of staff and guests, foul language, and/or unruly guest. You will be asked to leave, and no refunds or rain checks will be given.

9. Client will be responsible for any damages or injuries caused by guest.

10. It will be your responsibility to check for food allergies and to inform us of any concerns. If a guest should have severe allergies that we are unable to accommodate, then it is your responsibility to provide alternate refreshments for that child.

First Aid Kit
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